On the dangers of allowing historical figures to become symbols and sedatives
Thanks Victor, I saw myself and many other Noble Negroes thanks to your article. I can hardly wait to get my hands on your book! Be blessed!
As I've said before, we benefit from honest appraisals. Yours is honest, even if brutally so. Much of the "conversation" about race today is either the racism of lower expectations, or the racism of race essentialism.
Thank you for your insights; I appreciate your writing.
An honest accounting of history -- I can't wait to read your book!
Thanks Victor, I saw myself and many other Noble Negroes thanks to your article. I can hardly wait to get my hands on your book! Be blessed!
As I've said before, we benefit from honest appraisals. Yours is honest, even if brutally so. Much of the "conversation" about race today is either the racism of lower expectations, or the racism of race essentialism.
Thank you for your insights; I appreciate your writing.
An honest accounting of history -- I can't wait to read your book!